
Sanctuaries measure 25 meters in diameter and have a black glass like surface. A fractal with three spiral arms is inground whereas seven menhirs surround the site.

It is only allowed to fight each other on sanctuaries for Sleepers, Lost Souls and Myrmidons of Fate. There is the additional rule that attacks fall back on the attacker if it is performed outside of the sanctuaries. An exception are Guardians of Fate. It is denied to them to fight each other.

A holy fight on sanctuaries demands that two beings go in and only one out. Menhirs come to life by lightnings which then creates a light barrier so no-one violates the rules. The fractal spiral arms light up during this process. The barrier only falls when only one long-living being is left.

A gate opens either towards the Father of Gods (heaven) or the demons as soon as one long-living being dies on a sanctuary. It is to allow them to move into the holy halls on either or the other side. The entry into the holy halls is initiated by an explosion of light on the magically lifted body for Sleepers and Guardians of Fate or an explosion of darkness on the ground for Myrmidons of Fate and demons.