Why Anomaly

ANOMALY is based on the maxim to be different. It is because Anomaly is diverse, courageous, a self-contained universe. It is courageous because it harmonically merges two literary categories which normally contradict: fantasy and science fiction. It is making the audience believe every facet of the story.

Have you ever asked yourself why long-living superior beings become extinct in many fantasy novels? It is not logical even if they are at war with each other in the first phase. Long living beings have a wider concluding horizon. They are advancing in science with long-lasting cycles and therefore evolve constantly. Why shouldn't they grasp for the stars? Hence fantasy and science fantasy are the logical symbiosis within a millenias lasting time horizon.

Cultures require furthermore religion and tradition in order to survive. Why shall they then renounce sword art? Every culture keeps some traditions. Just have a look to asia where martial art and the underlying philosophy is still actively practiced.

And what about magic? It is an integral part of life. It is the elixir which keeps us going. Even imagination is some king of magic. We would become insane if it were missing. Not only children should learn from us. Even we learn from them as long as we allow it to happen.

ANOMALY (main character) moves within this universe. She is the protagonist which credits her name. She was born into a world where good and evil are at war with each other - just because of a bet between gods. But at the end all is just a matter of the viewing angle. Too late ANOMALY is able to see the background of all this and has to decide on which side she will continue her journey. The Anomaly Tale is the swell within a lively story which brings the turnover based on the chaos theory.

And yes, this is ANOMALY. She allows me as a writer to create an infinite unviverse, as long as my imaginations keeps me going.